Senior Warden, Mission Committee


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Carolyn has been a faithful “follower” of Father Mac for a few years, and when he became the priest-in-charge of St. Luke’s became a member. It has evolved into Carolyn being on the Mission Committee and now is the Senior Warden overseeing the running of St. Luke’s. Besides her life with St. Luke’s, she and her husband established Canard Vineyard in 1983. They live in the vineyard home, built in 1857 by pioneer Reason P. Tucker and oversee all aspects of running a family-owned business.

Carolyn had a career in the finance world, spending time at Bank of America before going on to help start a financial software startup in the early '80s. She left that career to start a successful interior design business in Tahoe that serviced second homes throughout the United States.

She stays busy volunteering for several Napa Valley nonprofit organizations and also being a master garden teaching workshops on vineyards.