A message from our Warden, Carolyn Czapleski about General Convention and our next Bishop

At the General Convention in Louisville,Kentucky, the Right Reverend Sean Rowe was elected as our next Presiding Bishop. Bishop Rowe is the youngest person ever to be Presiding Bishop. We have experienced nine years of ++ Michael Curry with his emphasis on God’s love, his encouragement of our revival in Jesus, and his now familiar expressions of God as Loving,

In one of his opening statements, he told us that everything we do needs to be about the Gospel of God in Jesus Christ. He admits, however, that we are at an existential crisis as a Church because the world we live in is changing and providing the challenge of that crisis.

He has also led more than one diocese at a time, stepping in to assist neighboring dioceses in transition. He also chaired the Episcopal Building Fund’s “Recasting Assets” program, which sought to encourage congregations to think broadly about their building use, like we do at St.Luke's.

He did not give any details, but he did say things have to change, and clearly, we had confidence in receiving this from someone who knows the church at a level most of us do not and yet equally loves the church not for its own sake but for its agency in proclaiming the Name of Jesus.

Here are a few hints from the couple of statements he made at General Convention: the focus of our work at the national or church-wide level needs to be the diocesan and local mission. For that is where God’s work happens. We must recognize the need for ministry to be a shared venture between laity, clergy, and bishops. The infrastructure of the Church cannot be allowed to fold under its own weight. We must embrace change that makes us more nimble for our mission. That might mean merging some dioceses for the mission. All of this requires us to orient our budget, structures and relationships. He called for a Relational Jubilee over the next few months running up to his installation as Presiding Bishop, inviting us to find ways to accept one another even while differing in opinions. With his start date coming at November 1.

In his opening address to the House of Deputies with the House of Bishops looking on, the Presiding Bishop-elect cited a passage from Thomas Merton who said “In a time of drastic change one can be too preoccupied with what is ending or too obsessed with what seems to be beginning. In either case one loses touch with the present and with its obscure but dynamic possibilities. What really matters is openness, readiness, attention, courage to face risk. You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactlywhere it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace then with courage, faith and hope. In such an event, courage is the authentic form taken by love”. Bishop Rowe then called us to follow Jesus filled with hope.

Carolyn Czapleski

Senior Warden

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Last Wednesday of the month is the deadline for submissions.


This is a reminder to bring your full green bags for the Calistoga Food Bank to church Sunday, October 6

A new bag will be provided if you need one.

Thank you, 




Our next Coffee hour is Sunday October 6

Bring a friend to church and join us at coffee hour afterward!

Graciously catered by your St. Luke's hosts:

Inge & Mike Rankin



Charlotte Jennings Collier's Baptism

July 7, 2024 was Charlotte Jennings Collier's Baptism. Members of both the Jennings and Collier family were celebrating this special occasion with the rest of our congregation. Both grandmothers, Elaine Jennings & Lois Collier are especially excited.